
Please read these Rules and Terms carefully before submitting your film to AIPSF. By submitting your film to the festival, you expressly acknowledge and agree to be bound by these Rules and Terms.

  • Script Requirements:
    Write an original script with a runtime of 5 to 15 minutes.
    We accept short features of any genre.

  • Language:
    The script must be written in English or French.
    The finished film will be produced in French with English subtitles, unless otherwise specified in a specific production.

  • Setting:
    The script's setting does not have to be Paris; however, it must be doable in Paris. If you wish to adapt your existing work and take advantage of your story being produced against the stunning backdrop of Paris streets, this is your chance.

  • Multiple Entries:
    Multiple entries from the same submitter are accepted. Each entry must be submitted separately and accompanied by its own entry fee.

  • Copyright & Rights Ownership:
    By submitting your project to AIPSF, you confirm that you own the rights to the work submitted.
    The Festival is not responsible for any copyright violations.

  • Award Certificates:
    Winners will receive an official award certificate by email.

  • Entry Fees:
    All entry fees are non-refundable.

  • Production:
    Selected scriptwriters will receive the finished film for their own use and further recognition.


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55 rue des Alouettes 75019 Paris

© Acting International

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